Fernandez Physio

Types of Treatment


Physio Realignment

Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability. The hybrid method of bodywork referred to as Physio realignment is a mixture of energy work and trigger point therapy. With a philosophy that focuses on finding the cause of the problem instead of just treating the affected area. In turn realigning and putting one’s body back together as a WHOLE.

Bio Magnetism

Biomagnetic therapy, also called biomagnetic pair or terrain restoration therapy, is a safe and holistic form therapy that uses pairs of magnets positioned in different concrete parts of the body to balance PH levels, eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi and several types of parasites; helping the body to recover its health naturally and quickly





I got in a car accident when I was 16, for over a decade I have gone to massage therapists and chiropractors and have never felt any relief. When I met Javier after my first treatment I felt relief like never before.
— Adam Mesa
Thanks for all your help leading up to my training! I felt amazing the day of my competition and am so thankful you came to Rio to help and support the US wrestlers.
— Helen Maroulis US Gold Olympic Wrestler
Multiple times Javier has watched me in practice or walking in the door he can point out what’s wrong before I can tell him. Having him in my camp has helped tremendously.
— TJ Dillashaw UFC Bantam Weight Champion