Javier Fernandez


Javier Fernandez is a successful Physio Realigning and Biomagnetic Specialist; with concentrated training in Craniosacral Therapy and pathological diseases.

Javier has an extensive health education, graduating from Carrington College Pomona with academic excellence, and achieving a Bio Genetics Degree from the Institute of Centrobioenergetica.

In 2015 he revolutionized the approach to healthy living when he founded The Balance Healing Center. The first center to bring healing to the whole’ person providing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing all under one roof.

Javier has successfully worked with high performance combat athletes. Treating severe injuries and tough case such as; tears, sprains, bulging disc, spasms, and dislocations. Along with extreme physical, mental, and emotional imbalances on a regular basis.

His knowledge in the field of Biomagnetism (a scientifically proven therapy known to restore mental and physical health without the use of prescription drugs)

allows him the ability not only to implicate the treatment of external problems -by manipulating deeper layers of the fascia/muscles allowing ones skeletal structure to return to its proper placement;
but as well as internal issues through Biomagnetism - employing the use of high-powered magnets to balance pH levels, allowing the body to function in its optimal condition.

His insight and ability to help clients heal quickly became widely known and highly recognized as he became the official Massage Therapist for the US Olympic Wrestling Team at the 2016 Olympic Games.

Javier currently works alongside some of the worlds top athletes including UFC champions, Belletor fighters, professional dancers, and most notably, Olympic athletes that range from wrestlers, gymnasts, and ice skaters.